Pioneering vaccines.
Sustainable agriculture.

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that has 28–36 times the impact of carbon dioxide over a 100-year period.

Although carbon dioxide persists for centuries, methane largely breaks down after around 12 years – meaning that methane affects the climate over a much shorter period.

Reducing methane emissions is our strongest lever to slow global warming over the next 25 years and complements necessary efforts to reduce carbon dioxide according to UN Environment.

Ludiome Bio sheep

This affordable, effective solution is being developed to work across all farm types and ruminant animals, including beef and dairy cattle, sheep, goats, deer, and buffalo. 

Methane is produced during ruminant animal digestion in a part of the stomach called the rumen. Here, microbes known as methanogens help break down plant material, releasing methane gas as a by-product, which is then expelled into the atmosphere.

Our methane vaccine aims to stimulate the animal’s immune system by producing antibodies in its saliva. Once swallowed, these antibodies target and suppress specific methanogens in the stomach, inhibiting their growth without affecting the animal’s health or digestion.

The vaccine will be a safe and adaptable tool that can be scaled globally, enabling equitable, widespread adoption to accelerate the urgent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from animal agriculture.

Antibodies reduce methanogen growth in the rumen and the amount of methane emitted


Since 2007, AgResearch has spearheaded this research, with longstanding support and funding from multiple organisations including the Pastoral Greenhouse Gas Research Consortium (PGGRC) and New Zealand government (MBIE and MPI) through the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC).

Over this time, the team has delivered groundbreaking scientific and technological advancements, laying the foundations for a vaccine that is safe, effective and affordable.

Lucidome Bio cows

AgriZeroNZ supported further vaccine research with NZAGRC from 2023. AgriZeroNZ then set up Lucidome Bio in 2024, bringing together New Zealand’s vaccine technology, intellectual property, team, and funding into a new venture to help deliver a world-first solution to market.

AgResearch will continue to provide critical expertise, and access to research facilities, with scientists being seconded to Lucidome Bio. The Pastoral Greenhouse Gas Research Consortium is a shareholder in Lucidome Bio alongside AgriZeroNZ.

Breakthroughs pioneered by our scientists:

  • We can harness the immune system of ruminants to target methanogens and reduce production of methane
  • Antibodies produced by vaccination are long-lived and can be boosted
  • Methanogen populations in the rumen are similar worldwide
  • Vaccination produces enough antibodies in saliva to coat all methanogens in the rumen
  • Antibodies can stay active in the rumen for long enough to be effective
  • Vaccine antigens can induce antibodies that bind to their specific methanogen protein targets
  • We can direct antibody responses to key targets on the surface of methanogens



  • We can harness the immune system of ruminants to target growth of methanogens, and reduce production of methane
  • Genomics used to identify antigenic targets on the methanogen cells


  • Antibodies produced by vaccination are long-lived and can be boosted
  • Protein and peptide antigens generate antibodies in vaccinated sheep and cattle


  • Demonstrating that methanogen populations in the rumen are similar worldwide
  • Vaccination produces enough antibodies in saliva to coat all methanogens in the rumen


  • Showed that induced antibodies bound to their specific methanogen protein targets


  • Demonstrated that methanogens have antigens in common
  • Showed how to identify responsive vaccine epitopes for vaccine design


  • Launch of Lucidome Bio


Portrait of David Aitken, Interim Chief Executive, LucidomeBio

David Aitken, Interim Chief Executive

David is a successful business leader with global experience of developing strategies, growing teams, and building partnerships to accelerate the move to a decarbonised future.

Portrait of Dr Neil Wedlock, Principal Scientist, Lucidome Bio

Dr Neil Wedlock, Principal Scientist

Dr Neil Wedlock is a Principal scientist leading the immunology component of Lucidome Bio’s methane vaccine research.

Portrait of Dr Peter Janssen, Principal Scientist

Dr Peter Janssen, Principal Scientist

Dr Peter Janssen is a Principal Scientist leading the microbiology component of Lucidome Bio’s methane vaccine development pipeline.


New Kiwi Methane Venture Receives $13.5M Boost 

The two key players working to provide Kiwi farmers with tools to reduce emissions are stepping up their support of a methane vaccine with multimillion-dollar funding for new company, Lucidome Bio.

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New Zealand scientists welcome overseas funding for livestock methane vaccine

The search for a proof-of-concept vaccine that can cut methane emissions in cattle has received a welcome boost. The Bezos Earth Fund has announced it will fund an international consortium…

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Is a methane vaccine New Zealand’s climate silver bullet?

The Climate Change Commission’s latest advice says a methane vaccine could be available by 2035. Nikki Macdonald investigates the quest to achieve one of farming’s great hopes…

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New methane vaccine venture to be established

AgriZeroNZ is establishing a new venture to accelerate the development of a methane vaccine for ruminant animals. Kiwi scientists from AgResearch have been pioneering research to develop a methane vaccine…

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